Dr Nicholas Eyre

Senior Research Fellow in Microscopy

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Health and Medical Research Building
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

I am a Research Fellow in Microscopy and Molecular Virologist in the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University. My research focuses on virus-host interactions and viral genome replication for the related (+)RNA viruses dengue virus (DENV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and Zika virus (ZIKV). In particular I have sought to apply novel reporter virus tools, sensitive and minimally invasive high-resolution imaging techniques and targeted and random manipulation of viral genomes to better understand the viral and host determinants of viral replication compartment formation, morphology and function and how they viral replication complexes interact with viral assembly platforms. It is hoped that identification of features of viral proteins and virus-host interactions that are essential for the viral replication cycle will identify targets for future antiviral drug development.


2001:   B.Sc. (Biomedical Science). University of Adelaide.

2002:   B.Sc. (Hons). Microbiology and Immunology, University of Adelaide (Class 1A).

2007:   Ph.D. Microbiology and Immunology, University of Adelaide.

Honours, awards and grants

Recent Research Grants

NHMRC Ideas Grant 2029330. Eyre NS, Abell A, Chataway, Nair P. 2024-2026. Understanding and exploiting the mechanism of action of a novel dengue virus inhibitor. $755,276.

NHMRC Ideas Grant 2012370. Eyre NS, Aloia AL, Avery T, Bruning JB, Chataway T. 2022-2024. Development and mechanistic analysis of novel inhibitors of the dengue virus NS1 protein. $783,440.

NHMRC Ideas Grant 1182432. Fraser JE, Eyre NS. 2020-2022. Dengue virus resistance to Wolbachia. $615,543.

NHMRC Project Grant 1163662. Eyre NS, Beard MR, Aloia AL. 2019-2021. Molecular dissection of the dengue virus NS1 protein. $638,031.

NHMRC Project Grant 1145613. Beard MR, Helbig KJ, Lemon SM, Eyre NS. 2018-2020. The interplay between viperin, peroxisomes and the cellular innate antiviral response. $556,127.

Therapeutic Innovation Australia (TIA) Pipeline Accelerator Grant. Eyre NS, Aloia AL. 2020. Development of inhibitors of dengue virus (DENV) NS1 protein dimerization as novel antiviral therapeutics. $20,000.

The Hospital Researh Foundation (THRF) Research Grant 2020-41-Q25279. Eyre NS, Aloia AL. Development of small molecule inhibitors that target dengue virus NS1 protein. $129,103.

Flinders Foundation. Eyre NS. 2020-2021. Development of inhibitors of the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 non-structural proteins (nsp3 and nsp4) as antiviral therapies. $25,000.


2016: International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus and Related Viruses 2016, Kyoto, Japan, Travel Fellowship

2015: Australian Virology Society (AVS) ‘Oral Poster Award’

2012: The Sciences Faculty Research Committee International Conference Scheme Travel Award

2012 University of Adelaide, School of Molecular and Biomedical Science Research Career Development Network Travel Award

2011: Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology (ACHV) Robert Dixon Memorial Award for Innovation in Hepatitis Research

2011: Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology (ACHV) Biota Holdings Pty. Ltd. Young Achiever Award

2010: University of Adelaide, School of Molecular and Biomedical Science Research Career Development Network Achievement Award

2010: Gilead Sciences Pty. Ltd. Hepatitis Early Career Investigator Gold Medal