Dr Owen Davies

Academic Status

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Flinders Medical Centre
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Born in Cardiff, Wales, UK. Imigrated to Australia in 1974. Completed his schooling in Adelaide, South Australia. Completed his medical degree at the University of Adelaide, graduating in 1992. Spent 3 years as an intern and general RMO at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, Adelaide. Was a basic physician trainee at the Townsvile General Hospital, Townsville and Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, both in Queensland. Completed exam requirements for the RACP in 1999. Was an advanced physician trainee in geriatric medicine at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital, both in Brisbane; and at the University Hopspital of Wales and Llandough Hospital, both in Cardiff. Commenced work as a full time staff specialist consultant geriatrician at the Repatriation General Hospital and Flinders Medical Centre in 2003, where he still practices today. Appointed as a lecturer at Flinders University in 2004.

  • MB, BS (University of Adelaide), 1992
  • FRACP, 2003
Key responsibilities
  • Clinical management of in-patient, out-patient and community patients served by the various geriatric medicine services of the Division of Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Palliative Care of the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
  • Supervision, education and mentoring of the medical students, trainee medical officers, nursing and allied health staff working on these units
  • Involvement in departmental educational, administrative, clinical governance and continuing practice improvement activities
  • Involvement in departmental research activities, particularly in the areas of translation of innovative approaches to the interdisciplinary care of older people, especially in the areas of care transitions post-hospital discharge, orthogeriatrics and cognitive impairment
Teaching interests
  • Actively involved in teaching second year Flinders University medical students as part of graduate entry and undergraduate medical degrees, in particular in the areas of geriatric medicine, stroke medicine, cognitive impairment and orthogeriatrics
  • Actively involved in the supervision of third and fourth year Flinders University medical students during their clinical attachments to various in-patient and out-patient clinical services, including geriatric in-patient wards, orthogeriatrics, Memory Clinic and the FMC stroke unit
  • Presents lectures on stroke management, orthogeriatrics and frailty as part of the Masters in Rehabilitation course and related short courses provided by the department
  • Presents educational sessions to various nursing and allied health groups as a part of unit- and department-based professional development programmes
  • Involved in the on-going ward based training of interns, RMOs, basic physician trainees, and advanced physician trainees in geriatric medicine and other specialist training programmes (eg general medicine, neurology, rehabilitation medicine)