Associate Professor Philip Palmer

Associate Professor

College of Business, Government and Law

place Law & Commerce
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Associate Professor Philip Palmer has completed a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance) with Honours and a PhD in Accounting. He is a Fellow of CPA Australia and member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

He is the Teaching Program Director for Business and coordinator of the Accounting and Finance Masters programs at Flinders. Phil has extensive finance industry experience, having worked in a bank for 14 years and as a commercial banking analyst for much of this time before joining Flinders, giving him an in-depth industry understanding.

Phil is passionate about producing enterprising, work-ready accounting graduates, who have the necessary technical knowledge and personal attributes to make a successful contribution to the accounting profession.


Phd, BCom(Hons)(Flinders), FCPA, CA

Honours, awards and grants
  • College of Business Government and Law Vice President & Executive Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching 2020
  • Vice-Chancellor's Innovation in Teaching Award 2020
  • FUSA Student Led Teaching Award, College of Business Government and Law, 2021
  • College of Business Government and Law Vice President & Executive Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching 2024
Key responsibilities

Teaching Program Director - Flinders Business

Topic coordinator
BUSN8006 Driving Financial Performance