Rachael Hedger

Senior Lecturer

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

place Education
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Rachael is a senior lecturer in Early Childhood Education at Flinders University. She is Course Coordinator for the Early Childhood Initial Teacher Education degrees and Academic Professional Experience Co-ordinator for Early Childhood. Rachael also co-ordinates and teaches the Early Childhood Play, Learning and Development topics.

Prior to working at Flinders University, Rachael was Preschool Room Leader in a Long Day Childcare service. She has also taught in primary schools, both in Australia and in the UK. Prior to emigrating to Australia, Rachael taught in several primary schools and nurseries, teaching Preschool and Reception - Year 6. She also has prior experience of working in Special Education and Montessori centres.

Rachael is a PhD candidate, researching children's scientific drawings and their impact on science learning.

Over recent years, Rachael has collaborated with the DfE and Catholic Education on several STEM projects, focussing on children's STEM learning through play-based inquiry. These projects have focussed on Professional Development for Early Years Educators and enhanced STEM teaching in South Australia.

Rachael is dedicated to student success and works to ensure that the Early Childhood Pre-Service Teachers at Flinders University feel well supported, informed and confident in their studies as they work to educate confident and capable young children in the 21st century.


PhD Candidate (Deakin University - current).

BA (HONS) Primary Education (University of Winchester, UK).

BTEC National Diploma in Childhood Studies (Bournemouth and Poole College, UK).

Honours, awards and grants

AdvanceHE Fellowship 2022

Dean's Recognition of Teaching Award 2022 (College of Education, Psychology and Social Work).

Flinders University Teaching Excellence 2021 (College of Education, Psychology and Social Work).

Key responsibilities
  • Course Coordinator ITE Early Childhood.
  • Co-ordinator EDUC1221, EDUC1239, EDUC1242, EDUC1238, EDUC9222, EDUC9231, EDUC9223.
  • Education Building: 5.47
Topic coordinator
EDUC2421 Literacy and Numeracy Birth-4
EDUC9222 Researching Play and Pedagogies
EDUC1238 Literacy and Numeracy Birth-4
EDUC9223 The Numerate and Literate Infant
EDUC9231 Professional Experience 1
EDUC1242 The Developing Child
EDUC1221 Play, Learning and Development
EDUC4882 Respectful Teaching with Infants and Toddlers
Further information

Course Coordinator Early Childhood Initial Teacher Education.

Senior Lecturer Early Childhood Education.