Director Caring Futures Institute and Dean Research
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Prof Golley obtained a PhD qualification in child weight management research (Nutrition and Dietetics, Flinders University), and undertook postdoctoral research in the UK, and the CSIRO. She has held NHMRC ECR (2008-2012) and National Health Foundation postdoctoral fellowships (2012-2015) at the University of South Australia (2009-2017).
BSc(hons) BND PhD APD.
Prof Golley leads a program of public health nutrition research. Current projects include:
- Stream lead EPOCH CRE "Advancing assessment of obesity-related behaviours'
- "Tools and interventions to increase children’s vegetable consumption" A consortia between Flinders University, Nutrition Australia (Victoria Division), Healthy Kids Association, Perfection Fresh and Thomas Farms Kitchen. Funded by Hort Innovation.
- NHMRC project grants in areas of child obesity (in collaboration with UniSA 'Life on Holidays') and dental health (In collaboration with Adelaide Uni 'SMILE').