Professor Rebecca Golley

Director Caring Futures Institute and Dean Research

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Sturt North
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Prof Golley obtained a PhD qualification in child weight management research (Nutrition and Dietetics, Flinders University), and undertook postdoctoral research in the UK, and the CSIRO. She has held NHMRC ECR (2008-2012) and National Health Foundation postdoctoral fellowships (2012-2015) at the University of South Australia (2009-2017).


BSc(hons) BND PhD APD.

Key responsibilities

Prof Golley leads a program of public health nutrition research. Current projects include:

- Stream lead EPOCH CRE "Advancing assessment of obesity-related behaviours'

- "Tools and interventions to increase children’s vegetable consumption" A consortia between Flinders University, Nutrition Australia (Victoria Division), Healthy Kids Association, Perfection Fresh and Thomas Farms Kitchen. Funded by Hort Innovation.

- NHMRC project grants in areas of child obesity (in collaboration with UniSA 'Life on Holidays') and dental health (In collaboration with Adelaide Uni 'SMILE').

Topic coordinator
NUTD7106 Honours Research Project in Nutrition and Dietetics
The Conversation