Richard Fejo

Senior Elder

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Flinders NT Building

Hi all, I am a Larrakia (Darwin) and Warramungu (Tennant Creek) man who is the current Elder on Campus in Darwin. I have been a Cultural Educator for 11 years with NTGPE and am the current Chairman of Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation.

Key responsibilities

As the Senior Elder on Campus, I have designed a draft template position descrition for a Elder on Capmus role that can be adapted to suit part-time or casual Elders on Campus and flexible to adapt to different locations. Across Australia there are diverse Aboriginal people so the posistion description has to allow for local ownership and adaptation.

My role is made up of three days as Elder on Campus, 1.5 days of Community Engagement and 0.5 days of Mentoring medical staudents.