Lecturer in Engineering (Teaching and Research)
College of Science and Engineering
Robert (Robbie) has a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering (First Class Honours) and a Masters Degree in Biomedical Engineering. He completed his PhD at Flinders University (Australia) in 2022 in stroke rehabilitation robotics, where he developed skills in neuroscience, engineering design (mechanical and electrical), and human performance monitoring.
He completed his first Postdoctoral position at Flinders University in 2021 in the College of Science and Engineering, researching occupational exoskeleton use in maritime settings and has since furthered this work in mining applications, consulted in agriculture, physiotherapy, and primary industries. In 2022 he was appointed as Research Fellow in Biomedical Engineering with the Australian Industrial Transformation Institute at Flinders University where he developed and applied modern manufacturing techniques, and investigated physiological measurement methods for psychological monitoring in heavy industry.
He is now appointed as Lecturer in Engineering (Teaching and Research) in the College of Science and Engineering, where he is topic coordinator of the Engineering Work Integrated Learning program, and co-coordinator for Honours and Masters for Engineering and ICT. His current research is affiliated with the Medical Device Research Institute and continues the work of his PhD in stroke rehabilitation robotics and focuses on neurorehabilitation, biomechanics, robotics, and all things design.
BEng(Mech)(Hons), MEng(Biomed)
PhD (Flinders University)
Force Forty (2020-2021), Engineers Australia, Leadership in Engineering
Commonwealth Scholarships Program Scholarship (2018-2021)
Playford Trust Scholar (2016,2017-2020)
RA Simpson Higher Degree Research Scholarship in Science (2017-2020)
Flinders University Engineering Medal (2016)
Co-cordinator, Honours and Masters Research Project (Engineering and ICT)
Topic Coordinator, Work Integrated Learning (Engineering)
Health Safety Representative
Engineering Design, Electronics, Medical Devices, Rehabiliation Robotics, Occupational Exoskeletons
Member, European Committee for Standardisation for assistive exoskeletons in the workplace (2020-2022)
Member, Force Forty, Engineers Australia (EA), Leadership in Engineering, contributing to discussion to boost South Australia’s entrepreneurial capacity (2020-2021, Engineers Australia)
Member, Engineers Australia (EA), 2022 - present
Member, Instutute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022 - present
Member, Medical Device Research Institute (MDRI), 2016 - present
Health and Safety Representative (2024 - present)