Sadia Hossain

Academic Status

College of Medicine and Public Health

place Undisclosed

I am a Public Health Teaching Specialist Lecturer (0.5) and a Research Fellow (0.5).


2020: Graduate Certificate in Clinical Epidemiology, University of Newcastle

2015: PhD in Paediatrics, University of New South Wales. I compared the outcomes of very preterm babies born in Australia, New Zealand and Canada

2009: BSc (Honours), major in Neuroscience and Physiology

Honours, awards and grants

Australian Postgraduate Award

Lunenfeld Summer Scholarship, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Science Without Borders, Student Exchange Scholarship between National University of Singapore & University of New South Wales

Key responsibilities

Part time Teaching Specialist in Public Health with a strong research background

Topic development and delivery

Teaching interests

I am a part time (0.5) Teaching Specialist Lecturer in Public Health with a strong research background.

Topic coordinator
PHCA9514 Professional Practice in Public Health
PHCA3511 Epidemiology
PHCA9522 Introduction to Epidemiological Research method
MMED9250 Public Health sub-theme of HPS
Topic lecturer
PHCA1509 Health Equity
PHCA9501 Social Determinants of Health and Wellbeing