Professor Sally Robinson

Professor in Disability and Community Inclusion and Matthew Flinders Professor

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Sturt South (S272)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Sally leads research and academic practice in Disability and Community Inclusion.

Sally's research with children, young people and adults with disability is about what helps them feel safe, well and happy at difficult times in their lives. Most of her work is done in teams that include people with disability as researchers as well as asking them for their views. She also works with governments and organisations about how to listen to the things that matter to disabled people. As a recipient of four Australian Research Council grants and many industry projects, Sally's research is influencing theory, policy and practice to make the lives of disabled people safer and more fulfilling.


2010  PhD, Griffith University
2001  Master of Policy and Applied Social Research, Macquarie University
1995  Master of Arts (Education - Rehabilitation), Macquarie University
1990  Bachelor of Arts, Sydney University

Honours, awards and grants

Current research (selected):

2023 - 2026 Opportunities and contributions of young people with disability and young carers. ARC Discovery project

2022 - 2025 Confronting everday harm: preventing abuse of people with disability. ARC Linkage project

2021-2022 Connecting the Dots: understanding the DFV experiences of children and young people with disability within and across sectors. ANROWS

2021 Changing community attitudes to improve inclusion for people with disability. Disability Royal Commission

2021- 2023 Deciding with support: bringing supported decision-making to positive behaviour support. NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

2020-2022 Mapping domestic and family violence data and disability and evaluation or progress against the Queensland plan to respond to DFV against people with disability

2021 - 2023 Supporting mental health and wellbeing for children from migrant and refugee backgrounds with disability. Channel 7 Foundation

2020 - 2022 What works to prevent bullying for school students with autism? SA Health Grant

2020 - 2021 Loneliness - what helps? Perspectives of people with intellectual disabilty. Flinders internal grant.

2020 - 2021 Countering exclusion through community building in COVID-19. CNHS COVID-19 Collaboration grant

2019-2021 Beyond safety: ethical research involving children. ARC Discovery DP180100465

2016-2019 Relationships and Recognition: young people with cognitive disability and their paid support workers. ARC Linkage LP150100013)

Key responsibilities

Disability and Community Inclusion: Academic Lead
Research program lead: Disability & Community Research

Teaching interests

My teaching interests are in the intersections of the individual, systemic and structural forces that impact on the lives of people with disability. These can be seen in different ways across many different subject areas - for example, in the provision of daily support, in ethics, in better understanding quality, and in the prevention of harm.

Topic coordinator
DSRS9052 Service design and evaluation
DSRS9056 Ethical issues in disability
Topic lecturer
DSRS2118 Critical issues in disability
DSRS9052 Service design and evaluation
DSRS8134 Leading through change
Supervisory interests
Disability Ethics
Disability and policy
Disability, qualitative research
Family violence
Social exclusion
Higher degree by research supervision
Principal supervisor: Disability studies (2)
Associate supervisor: Disability studies (3)
Expert for media contact
Diversity and Inclusion
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Media expertise
  • Disability
  • Diversity and Inclusion