Dr Sara Zabeen

Lecturer in Health and Society

College of Medicine and Public Health

+61 8 8205 0270
place Charles Darwin University Yellow
PO Box 41326, CASUARINA, NT, 0811

I am a public health professional with research and teaching experience. I also have experience in project management, coordination, and evaluation. In my research, I mostly use qualitative and mixed-methods approaches. I am experienced in realist evaluation, systematic reviews, process evaluation, and longitudinal qualitative analysis.

I am a lived experience mental health researcher (PTSD, major depressive disorder). I also have experience as a caregiver (OCD, bipolar, major depressive disorder).

Key Fields of Research (FOR)

HEALTH SCIENCES | Public health | Health promotion (420603)

HEALTH SCIENCES | Health services and systems | Health and community services (420305), Implementation science and evaluation (420312), Mental health services (420313)

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES | Environmental management | Environmental education and extension (410403)

INDIGENOUS STUDIES | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing | Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander public health and wellbeing (450417)

HUMAN SOCIETY | Policy and administration | Health policy (440706)


PhD(Integrated care), MPH(Research), MHID, MSS(Economics), BSS(Economics)

Honours, awards and grants

In-kind partnership with the Heart Foundation, ASPIRE and MHPN for an Advanced Studies project: SPICE (2024). 

Flinders Rural & Remote Health conference travel grant, 28th ANZ Prevocational Medical Education Forum 2024, Darwin, Australia (11-14 November). 

Flinders Rural & Remote Health conference travel grant, 3rd International Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Conference 2023, Cairns, Australia (14-16 June 2023).

Flinders CMPH HDR Research Support Maintenance for conference travel (partial), 23rd International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC23), Antwerp, Belgium (22-24 May 2023).

SingHealth conference travel grant (partial), 1st Asia Pacific Social Prescribing Conference: Social Prescribing and its impact on population health. SingHealth Academia, Singapore (29-30 November 2022).

2022 Flinders Reconcilliation Team Award, presented to Flinders Rural & Remote Health NT. 

Auritry Foundation (Founder) won the Asia -Pacific Regional Youth Environment Forum (APRYEF) microgrant to deliver a short course on 'Plastic pollution & potential solutions' in a Bangladeshi Indigenous School (2022).

Auritry Foundation (Founder) was acknowledged as the 'Climate Advocate' by YOUNGO - the Youth Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at the 16th UN Climate Change Conference of Youth (COY) (2021).

Flinders International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (FIPRS) for PhD (2017-2020).

Flinders Behavioural Health (NHMRC-awarded project) research support for PhD field work (2017-2020).

Flinders CMPH HDR Research Support Maintenance for PhD (2017-2020).

Flinders CMPH HDR conference travel grant for TheMHS Learning Network. S49, Brisbane, Australia (27-30 August 2019).

Runner-up of the Flinders Three-minute thesis (3MT) competition (3 July 2019).

Golden Key International Society award for MPH (Research), 2014.

Key responsibilities

Current position: Lecturer (Health Professions & Society) and Post-doc Research Associate, Rural & Remote Health, NT.

Project: 'Live Strong, COVID-Safe and Frailty Free after starting dialysis'. Project lead: Prof Jaqui T Hughes

Project responsibilities:

1. Coordinating the project involving appx. 25 investigators and staff, including Indigenous Patient Reference Group members.

2. Data collection, compilation, and analysis (qualitative and mixed-methods approach).

3. Reporting and publication.

Teaching interests

Flinders University, NT (on-site)

Position: Lecturer (Part-time), Sep 2023-Now

Course: Health Professions & Society

Topic coordinator and Lecturer: Public Health (NT), Behavioural Health (NT & SA)

Learning coach: 4 NT medical students

Charles Darwin University, NT (on-site)

Position: Lecturer (Part-time), Feb 2020-Nov 2021

Topics taught: Foundations in Public Health (Topic Coordinator), Health Policy, Chronic Care Management

Topics assisted with materials development and markings: Introduction to Health Promotion, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Rural & Remote Health, Research in Health Sciences.

Further information

PhD topic (an NHMRC project)

Investigating the acceptability and feasibility of a self-management care planning-based intervention: To improve cardiovascular health and quality of life of community-living adults with severe mental illness.

Supervisors: Prof Sharon Lawn, Dr Anthony Venning, Dr A. Kate Fairweather