Professor Sarah Wendt

Academic Level E

College of Education, Psychology and Social Work

+61 8 8201 3978
place Social Science South
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Sarah was appointed in 2016. She has a PhD from the University of South Australia and has taught in social work for over a decade. Prior to academia Sarah practiced in the field of domestic violence. She has published on violence against women and social work practice. Her current research projects explore the impact of domestic violence on women's citizenship, service provision for Aboriginal communities experiencing family violence, and engaging men to address domestic violence. In particular, Sarah has been researching rural women's experiences of domestic violence for over a decade in Australia and more recently how domestic violence work shapes practitioners living and working in rural communities. 


Bachelor of Social Work Honours (2000), University of South Australia.

Bachelor of Arts (2001) Adelaide University.

PhD University of South Australia.

Honours, awards and grants


Category 1.

2017-2018 ANROWS ($93 000) Wendt, S., Seymour., K., Buchanan, F., Gray, R., Dolman, C., & Greenland, N. Engaging men: Invitational-narrative approaches to working with men who use violence in intimate partner relationships.

2015-2017 ANROWS ($210 000) Wendt, S,. Chung C., Hendrick, A. Seeking help for domestic violence: exploring rural women's coping experiences.

2013-2016 ARC Discovery Grant ($210 000) Franzway, S., Wendt, S., Moulding, N., Zufferey, C., & Chung, D. Gendered violence and citizenship: effects of intimate partner violence on mental health, housing and employment.

2009-2012 ARC Linkage Grant ($80 000) Bagshaw, D., Wendt, S., & Zannettino, L. Preventing the financial abuse of older people by a family member.

Category 2.

2017 Department of Child Protection, South Australia ($110 000) Wendt, S., Elder, A., Moss, D. Social Work Living Lab.

2016 Relationships Australia ($15 000) Wendt, S. Evaluating health relationships program in a women's prison.

2015 Country Health SA ($2700) Wendt, S. Understanding domestic violence.

2014 Uniting Communities ($40 000) Wendt, S. & Buchanan, F. Working with men who use violence.

2013 Northern Adelaide Medicare Local ($48 000) Wendt, S., Tedmanson, D., Moulding, N., & Buchanan, F. Improving safety and wellbeing of women and children, Aboriginal Family Violence.

2009-2010 Department for Families and Communities ($40 000) Wendt. S. & Baker, J. Evaluation of the Sturt Street Project.

2009-2010 Attorney Generals Department ($310 000) Bagshaw, D., Brown, T., Campbell, A., Wendt, S., & Tinning, B. Provision of Research into Family Violence since the 2006 Family Law Reforms.

Teaching interests

Applying theory to social work practice.

Social Work Identity.

Interpersonal violence and abuse.

Topic coordinator
SOAD8018 Family Violence Abuse and Neglect
Expert for media contact
Child abuse
Domestic violence
violence against women and children
Available for contact via
+61 8 8201 3978
Or contact the media team
Media expertise
  • Child abuse
  • Domestic violence
  • violence against women and children