Stephen Fildes

Academic Status

College of Science and Engineering

place Earth Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Stephen Fildes is a geospatial scientist with a specialisation in the application of remote sensing technology to both human and natural environments. He initially joined Flinders University in 1993 as a cartographer and GIS analyst and subsequently gained an academic role where he was principally responsible for the development and teaching of remote sensing in the former School of Geography, Population and Environmental Management and the School of the Environment. Stephen was the lead developer and inaugural Director of Studies of the postgraduate programs in GIS between 2008 and 2016.

After 24 years, Stephen recently left Flinders but continues his association with the University as an Adjunct Lecturer in the College of Science and Engineering.

  • M.Sc. (Spatial Information Science), University of Adelaide (2004)
  • G.Dip.GISRS. (GIS & Remote Sensing), University of Adelaide (1997)
  • Ass.Dip.App.Sc. (Cartography), University of South Australia (1991)
Honours, awards and grants

Honours and Awards

  • Asia-Pacific Spatial Education Award (SA) for Education Develpment (2017)
  • South Australian Spatial Tertiary Research and Development Award for Master of Spatial Information Science Thesis (2005)
  • Joint first place grade honour for Postgraduate Diploma in GIS & RS Thesis (1996)
  • Australian Institute of Cartographers Award (Outstanding Student Medal) (1992)
Key responsibilities



  • Geospatial Analyst (Remote Sensing, GIS and Cartography) (1993 - 2016)
Teaching interests

I'm an educator in Geospatial Science and its application across a range of human and natural environments with a particular focus on terrestrial remote sensing and digital image analysis. Topic areas include:

  • Remote Sensing of the Environment (flood and impervious surface mapping; landscape dynamics, land cover change and condition)
  • Digital Image Analysis in Remote Sensing (development and adaptation of image analysis techniques)
  • Remote Sensing Project Planning
  • Geographical Information Systems
  • Mapping Sciences and Cartography

More than just an Earth observation and monitoring tool, remote sensing derived information is often integrated with GIS to provide an important decision support system for management of human and natural resources. A primary focus of my teaching is to arm students with skills that synergize remote sensing and GIS technologies across a range of applications and disciplines, and thus arm students with skills of vocational value that meet current and growing needs of potential employers.

Topic lecturer
GEOG1004 GIS Field Camp (Adjunct Lecturer)
ENVS3750 Field Studies in Environmental Disciplines (Adjunct Lecturer)
ENVS9790 Field Studies in Environmental Disciplines GE (Adjunct Lecturer)