Dr Stuart Wildy

Senior Lecturer

College of Science and Engineering

place Tonsley Building
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001
Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering), University of Adelaide, 2012
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) (Honours), University of Adelaide, 2006
Honours, awards and grants
2018Research Collaboration between Flinders University and Centrale Nantes University: “On-Line Performance Monitoring and Damage Assessment in Marine Composite Propellers”$48,000
2017ARC LEIF Grant: “Bridging time/size scales in strain measurements with advanced DIC facility” (LE170100079)$267,000
2017Industry Grant. Inconmat Australia: “Experimental and numerical analysis of GFRP reinforced concrete infrastructure$25,000
2016Finalist - National Instruments Engineering Impact Award, Houston, Texas, USA
2015Premiers Research and Industry Fund. Catalyst Research Grant: “Embedded fibre optics in laminate composites for structural integrity assessment$30,000
2015ARC LEIF Grant: “Development of a world-class facility for three dimensional dynamic testing” (LE150100094)$400,000
2014ARC LEIF Grant: “An Australasian facility for the automated fabrication of high performance bespoke components” (LE140100082)$500,000
2013Faculty Collaborative Research Initiatives Grant: “Determining the vibration characteristics of a customised, accessible computer games controller for children with cerebral palsy, to aid in tactile sensory rehabilitation therapy$10,000
2010Awarded fourth prize for the ‘Best Student Paper’ at the 6th Australian Congress on Applied Mechanics.
2008DSTO Granted: “Developing a new strain measurement technique utilising the 3D scanning Doppler laser vibrometer$8,000
2007Awarded a prize for the ‘Best Student Poster Presentation’ at the 5th Australian Congress on Applied Mechanics
Key responsibilities

Leader of the Nondestructive Testing research group

Topic lecturer
ENGR2771 Dynamics
ENGR2781 Mechanical Design Project
ENGR2703 Mechanical Practice Certificate
ENGR7721 Advanced Vibration Analysis
ENGR8871 Dynamics GE
ENGR8891 Mechanical Design Project GE
ENGR9742 Standards, Ethics and Compliance
  • Non-destructive evaluation
Further information
Further details of Stuarts professional development can be found on his Academia profile.