Miss Tegan Putsey


College of Nursing and Health Sciences

place Bedford Park (S217)
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia

Tegan actively teaches into the Undergraduate Nursing and Paediatric Postgraduate Programs at Flinders University. Always striving to leave the world a better place than when found, she has recent clinical experience as a Registered Nurse and Midwife across acute care settings in South Australia. Tegan has predominantly nursed in the paediatric setting providing care to children and their families. She engages often in self-improvement and professional development activities, with a passion to connect with and support others through education, teaching scholarship, and transition to clinical practice.


2023 Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (Innovative Learning and Teaching) Curtin University, WA

2020 Honours (Nursing) Flinders University, SA

2013 Bachelor of Midwifery Flinders University, SA

2009 Bachelor of Nursing, The University of Adelaide, SA

Teaching interests

Undergraduate Nursing Program

Clinical Laboratory Simulation

Postgraduate Paediatric Study

Paediatrics and Working with Children

Transition to the Clinical Setting and Preparing for Placement

Topic coordinator
NURS3006 The Professional Nurse
Topic lecturer
NURS1021 Communication for Nursing
NURS1023 Health Assessment for Nursing
NURS1027A Nursing Practice and Professional Placement 1
NURS2022 Nursing Practice and Professional Placement 2
NURS3011A Nursing Practice and Professional Placement 4
NURS3011B Nursing Practice and Professional Placement 4
NURS1028 Introduction to Nursing, Health, and the Australian Health Care System
NURS3012B Care for People with Chronic and Complex Health Needs
NURS2026B Nursing Practice and Professional Placement 3
NURS3013A Nursing Practice and Professional Placement 5
NURS8823 Clinical Practice for Child and Family Health Nursing
NURS8824 Introduction to Working with Infants, Children, and Families
NURS8821 Health Maintenance for Infants, Children, and Young People