“Giving was just one of those things that I assumed everyone did. For me, it’s that sense that if you’ve been fortunate and had a good education, you should give back. It just seems like the right thing to do.
I know from teaching at Flinders that most students these days have to work to support themselves and that because of this they can encounter financial difficulties when they aren’t able to work during their placements.
This is particularly true if they have to go to rural areas, so we wanted to establish a scholarship that would enable them to do their placement without having to worry.”
Dr Jo Baulderstone
MPolAdmin 1995, PhD(SS) 2006
Associate Professor, School of Social and Policy Studies, Flinders Institute of Public Policy and Management
The Carmel Baulderstone Memorial Scholarship is intended to ease financial pressure on nursing students undertaking remote or rural placements.
Published 2016.