Professor Arthur van Deth

Casual Academic

College of Business, Government and Law

place Bedford Park
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001
Arthur van Deth was born in Holland and lived for several years in Indonesia, before coming to Australia where he completed his secondary education and went on to study medicine at the University of Adelaide. He worked in clinical medicine for several years, before specializing in pathology and subsequently turning to a career in health care management

Prior to joining Flinders in 2001, Arthur held a number of senior executive management positions in the health sector, including:
  • Director of Medical Services, Royal Adelaide Hospital
  • Deputy Director Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science, Adelaide
  • Executive Director, Metropolitan Division, SA Department of Human Services
  • Executive Director, Southern Health Care Network Pathology Services, Melbourne
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Key responsibilities
Arthur is responsible for the administration and ongoing development of the Department of Health Care Management's offshore postgraduate programs in Singapore and China. In addition Arthur is actively involved in teaching in both offshore programs, as well as in postgraduate and undergraduate programs on the home campus

Arthur is also the Director of AVD Consulting Pty Ltd, which offers management consulting services to the health care industry in Australia and SE Asia
Teaching interests
Transnational and trans-cultural education as applied to postgraduate programs in health care management
Topic coordinator
HSMT9011 Managing Communications and Partnerships
HSMT9018 Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis for Hospital managers
HSMT9011A Corporate Communication (China)
HSMT9012 Managing People and Organisation in Health and Aged Care
HLTH3004 Contemporary Issues in Health CAre management
HSMT9016 Health Systems - an International perspective
HSMT9004 Health Systems and Health Policy (Singapore)
Topic lecturer
HSMT9004 Health Systems and Health Policy (Singapore)
HSMT9012 Managing People and Organisation in Health and Aged Care
HSMT9011A Corporate Communication (China)
HSMT9016 Health Systems - an International perspective
HSMT9011 Managing Communications and Partnerships
HSMT9018 Quantitative and Qualitative Data Analysis for Hospital managers
HLTH3004 Contemporary Issues in Health Care management