Associate Professor
College of Science and Engineering
Associate Professor Egon Perilli, Medical Device Research Institute, Flinders University; Affiliate Senior Lecturer, School of Biomedicine, Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences, The Univ. of Adelaide; Honorary Fellow, Dept. of Medicine, Austin Health, The Univ. of Melbourne. 2008-2011: Senior Research Fellow, Bone & Joint Research Lab, Surgical Pathology, SA Pathology, Adelaide. His research is in 2D and 3D quantitative imaging of bone structure and biomaterials combined with biomechanical testing. The main field of research is in osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
Immediate-past President (2018-2021), Australian & New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS); 2015-2018 ANZORS Society Secretary.
2018- Council member, International Federation of Musculoskeletal Research Societies (IFMRS).
Instrument leader, Large Volume micro-CT lab Flinders.
He developed his scientific research background in Europe. 2007-2008: Post-Doctoral Researcher at company SkyScan, Kontich, Belgium (micro-CT systems manufacturer, now Bruker micro-CT), in collaboration with Visionlab, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium. 2002-2007: Scientific researcher at Medical Technology Laboratory, Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy, carrying out research in bone micro-CT imaging combined with biomechanical testing.
His research projects involve a number of medical imaging techniques, particularly state of the art micro-CT, both in vitro and in vivo, of bone samples and entire bone segments, on human tissue and animal models. These techniques are used for quantifying bone structure at micro and macro level, density and morphometry. The mechanical strength of the bone is determined via experimental testing, for investigating the relationships between bone structural parameters and mechanical properties.
He is supervisor of bone and joint-related research topics for post-doc, PhD and Honours projects. He is peer-reviewer for several international scientific journals; reviewer for Australian Research Council (ARC), National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Wellcome Trust (UK), Research Foundation Flaanders (Belgium), Dutch Arthritis Foundation (Netherlands).
-World Council of Biomechanics (WCB) Student Bursary Award: Asia/Pacific, Africa, Central and South America (15 given, world-wide); Dublin, Ireland - MAR 2018
-Commonwealth Scholarships Program for South Australia (priority industry ‘Health Services and Medical Research’) Scholarship for $17,500 to be used towards her PhD study - MAR 2018
-Best Basic Science Poster Presentation, Australian and New Zealand Rheumatology Association combined meeting, Auckland NZ - MAY 2017
-Finalist for Best Abstract, Australian New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS) 21st Annual Meeting, Auckland, NZ - OCT 2015
-1st place, School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics - 3 Minute Thesis (3MT), Flinders University - SEP 2015
-Young Scientist Travel Award, Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) Annual Meeting, Orlando Florida, USA - MAR 2016
-Travel Award, Australian New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS) 21st Annual Meeting, Auckland, NZ - OCT 2015
-Winner, Best PhD student Oral Presentation Award, Australian New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS) 23rd Annual Meeting, Adelaide SA, AUS - OCT 2017
-"The one to watch" Award, PhD Award Finalist, Australian & New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS) 24th Annual Meeting, Perth WA, Australia - OCT 2018
-Finalist, European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) PhD Student Award (top 4, internationally), 26th Annual Congress, Milan, Italy, Online Presentation - JUL 2020
-European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) Travel Award (20 given, world-wide), 25th Annual Congress, Vienna, Austria - JUL 2019
-Finalist, New Investigator Award, 12th biennial Australasian Biomechanics Conference 2021 (ABC12), online conference - DEC 2021
-Finalist, PhD Oral Presentation Award, Australian & New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS) 26th Annual Meeting, online conference - OCT 2021
-Vice Chancellor Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence, Flinders University - MAY 2022
-Winner, Best Poster Presentation Award, 12th biennial Australasian Biomechanics Conference 2021 (ABC12), online conference - DEC 2021
-Winner, PhD Oral Presentation Award, Australian & New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS) 27th Annual Meeting, ANZBMS-MEPSA-ANZORS 2022 meeting, Gold Coast (QLD), AUS - AUG 2022
-Winner, Best PhD student Oral Presentation Award, Australian New Zealand Orthopaedic Research Society (ANZORS) 25th Annual Meeting, Canberra ACT, AUS - OCT 2019
Professional Memberships:
ARC Centre for Medical Implant Technologies 2020 Symposium
Sophie, my PhD student, ESB 2020 award finals (YouTube, go 35:43)
Lauren, my PhD student, ToScA 2020 (video)
My PhD students supervision-video
Thomas McSkimming (Flinders, Micro-X, current), Princip. superv. A/Prof Egon Perilli, co-s. Prof Karen Reynolds.
Lauren Wearne (Flinders, current) Quantifying press-fit tibial trays and primary stability. Princip.superv. A/Prof Egon Perilli; co-s. Prof Mark Taylor.
Marco G. Branni (QUT, completed 2023) Human femur micromechanics. Princ.s. A/Prof Saulo Martelli; co-s. A/Prof Egon Perilli, Prof Mark Taylor
Sophie Rapagna (Flinders, completed 2021) Lower limb bone microarchitecture and biomechanics. Princ.s. A/Prof Egon Perilli; co-s. Prof Karen Reynolds.
Tyra Lange (Flinders, current) Fracture fixation with screw insertion, Princ.s. Prof Karen Reynolds, co-s. A/Prof Egon Perilli, A/Prof John Costi
Bonnie Williams (The U. of Adelaide, completed 2019) Pharmacological modulation of apoptosis and autophagy in an inflammatory arthritis mouse model. Princ. s. A/Prof Tania Crotti (The U. of Adelaide); co-s. A/Prof Egon Perilli.
Bryant Roberts (Flinders, completed 2017) In vivo knee joint loads and tibial bone microarchitecture in knee osteoarthritis. Princ.s. Dr Egon Perilli; co-s. Prof Karen Reynolds, A/Prof Dominic Thewlis (The U. of Adelaide).
Rosidah Ab-Lazid (Flinders, completed 2016) Cancellous screw pullout strength in human femoral heads. Princ.s. Prof Karen Reynolds; co-s. Dr Egon Perilli, A/Prof John Costi.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2679-8394
Pubmed, GoogleScholar, ResearchGate
3D micro-CT image of a human distal humerus; sagittal cut (jpg)