Professor Gunther Andersson


College of Science and Engineering

place Physical Sciences
GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE, SA, 5001

Professor Gunther Andersson has a focus on using electron spectroscopy and ion scattering to understand surfaces and interfaces, and to use that understanding to develop and improve applications of materials. This research has been facilitated by Gunther's research group developing new methods and equipment for investigating surfaces, including under ultra-high vacuum conditions as well as liquid surfaces with finite vapour pressure. The latter capability enables the analysis of surfaces relavent for atmospheric research.

In 1998 Gunther completed his PhD applying ion scattering spectroscopy on liquid surfaces at the University of Witten/Herdecke (Germany) under the supervision of Prof Harald Morgner. The following two years he at the Technical University Eindhoven on a project on polymer based light emitting diodes. In 2000 Gunther moved to Leipzig University (Germany) were he developed the method neutral impact collision ion scattering spectroscopy (NICISS) for investigation of soft matter surfaces to its current stage. He completed his Habilitation in 2006. In 2007 he was appointed at Flinders University. He is now a full Professor, leading a research group with activities in liquid and polymer surfaces and catalysis based on nano-clusters. In his lab equipment for NICISS and metastable induced electron spectroscopy (MIES) is available. His research interest is in liquid surfaces and hydrogen generation through photocatalysis.


Flinders Foundations of University Teaching, Flinders University (2007)

Habilitation in Physical Chemistry, Leipzig University, Faculty of Chemistry (2006)

PhD in Physics (Dr. rer. nat.) University of Witten/Herdecke, Institute for Physics (Prof. Morgner). Thesis: “Ion Scattering Spectroscopy as Method for Investigating Surfaces of Organic Liquids” (1998)

Master Thesis (Diplomarbeit), Institute for High Frequency Technology at Dortmund University (Prof. Voges) in collaboration with Raith GmbH. (1994)

Degree in Physics (Diplom), Dortmund University. Thesis: ”Development of a Tracking Control System for E-beam writing of Elements for Integrated Optics" (1994)

Honours, awards and grants

Recently Awarded Funding

Australian Research Council -Deciphering ion specificity in complex electrolytes, $460,000 2023 - 2025

SPARC Hydrogen, Concentrated Solar Thermo-Photocatalytic Water Splitting, $353,000 2021 - 2024

Australian Research Council - Chemical Signature Analysis of Surfaces, $540,000 2019 - 2020

Australian Research Council - Unravelling the dominant drivers of ion specificity, $533,000 2019 - 2021

Australian Renewable Energy Agency - Preliminary Assessment of the Potential of CST to Add Value to Liquid Fuel Production, $730,000 2019 - 2021

United States Army International Technology Center - Solar Fuels, $240,000 2016 - 2019

Australian Research Council - Equipment for Advanced Surface Analysis, $770,000 2015 - 2016

Key responsibilities
Topic coordinator
PHYS2712 Thermodynamics and Electromagnetic Waves
PHYS1101 Physics 1A
Topic lecturer
PHYS2712 Thermodynamics and Electromagnetic Waves
STEM7001 Research Methods for Science Honours
PHYS1101 Physics 1A
  • Photocatalysis for hydrogen generation