Our research investigates human interaction, communication, and thought within societies and across cultures, and explores how these have shaped the modern world. Humanity is in the middle of the greatest communication and information technology revolution since the invention of writing and our researchers focus on the questions and challenges raised by this seismic change.
In collaboration with researchers around the world, we answer fundamental questions about society, culture, ethics, well-being and human nature through a range of methodologies that seek to understand the world both in terms of the abstract principles that drive it and the concrete challenges of the future.
Language, Linguistics & TESOL
We study human activity and society through the lens of language. We draw on diverse experiences and perspectives to explore the role of language in education, communication and culture in changing times.
In English at Flinders, we study the rich complexity of reading, from the medieval origins of English to contemporary graphic novels and life writing.
Contextually and theoretically rich reading is the fundamental key to understanding culture and the digitally mediated world around us.
Our researchers focus on medieval, eighteenth-century, and contemporary periods, with genre focus on political satire, poetry, gothic, essays, young readers, and life writing.
Philosophy principally proceeds by the method of conceptual analysis, taking important concepts such as ‘justice’, ‘beauty’ or ‘time’ and subjecting them to rigorous scrutiny.
Part of this process involves the use of thought experiments, to consider how various issues would play out in different conceivable scenarios.
Where there is relevant evidence from the sciences, we also draw on this, often working to reconcile findings from different fields with each other.
In all cases, we must reason carefully from the given datum to draw out further insights.
We research social relations in a variety of settings, looking at the way social forces and social structures shape individuals’ actions and values, and consider how individuals and groups shape how societies work (or not as the case may be).
Our research focuses on social norms and relations that involve violence and caring, animals and the environment, race and colonialism, power and authority, gender and sexuality, and work and organisations.
Our research relies on rigorous data collection methodologies and our analyses are informed by diverse theoretical perspectives.
We strive to develop new understandings of social life and social change in order to inform individual and collective responses to the public and private challenges, and inequalities, faced by contemporary Australian society in the global context.
Women's and Gender Studies
We research sexuality and reproduction, gender mainstreaming and feminist philosophy and politics. We take different feminist approaches, all recognising the necessity of thinking intersectionally, that is, thinking about gender as it intersects with other forms of difference and power relations.
Associate Professor Erin Sebo
Medieval literature and language, the history of emotion, Medieval archaeology, especially mortuary archaeology, digital humanities, palaeography and codicology.
Professor Robert Phiddian
Political satire, parody and humour in literature and editorial cartoons.
Associate Professor Kylie Cardell
Life writing and contemporary nonfiction, arts and health.
Professor Kate Douglas
Life narrative: autobiography, biography, memoir, social media; Childhood Studies: non-fiction for children, children as readers and narrators of life narrative. Children’s book clubs; Youth Studies, youth activism; Ethics and life narration; Research methods for life narrative; Scholarship of teaching: teaching life narrative; building reading resilience.
Dr Eric Parisot
Eighteenth-century literature and culture, Romanticism, Gothic literature, graveyard poetry, representations of death and suicide, literary afterlives, history of emotions.
Professor Craig Taylor
Moral philosophy, philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosophy and literature
Dr Tom Cochrane
Philosophy of emotions and related issues in psychology, extended and collective cognition, and aesthetics (particularly music); metaphysics, ethics, and political philosophy.
Dr Michael Scott
Work and entrepreneurship in the creative and cultural economy.
Dr Zoei Sutton
Human-animal relationships, critical animal studies, social constructions of animals (as pests, pets, food, etc.), anthroparchy, animals in everyday life, multispecies methods, One Health.
Associate Professor Barbara Baird
The cultural politics and histories of sexuality and reproduction in Australia; abortion; feminism in Australia; 'intersectional' approaches to gender and sexuality issues; representations of children and 'the child'; critical race and whiteness theories in Australian contexts; Indigenous studies; memory and representations of the past.
Dr Laura Roberts
Gender studies, feminist philosophy and politics, post/decolonial theory, contemporary social movements and feminist philosophies of technology.
Ms Cara Ellickson
Gender equity, disability rights, cultural respect and social justice.
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